Are you a salesperson?

Hey, come a little closer. I have a secret to tell you before we get started. Selling is a tough job, plain and simple selling is tough and most people never ever ever receive any sales training. Here is some great news and the secret I just promised, it doesn’t have to be. You can learn how to sell more effectively and become the best at what you do by understanding the seven deadly sins of selling. These are mistakes that most salespeople make every day without even realizing it.

Imagine your life right now if you were able to just increase your sales by 10, 20 or 50%. Go a little bit more crazy and double them, maybe even triple them. That is what is possible when you give up making these mistakes. Now once you understand them they will no longer hold back your career or business from reaching its full potential. After taking this course, you’ll never look at selling in the same way again. You’ll see why so many people fail when trying to close deals and discover exactly what needs to happen for everything to fall into place perfectly – just like magic! This course contains proven steps and strategies on how anyone can become an expert closer and get results every time they go into a meeting with prospects or a client. It also includes real-life examples of effective closers as well as those who failed miserably because they didn't follow these simple rules of closing deals successfully every single time! The Seven Deadly Sins of Selling is your key to mastering the art selling once and for all so that you too can start making money right away! Click here now and start your course today! There is a special going on and you will also (if you are smart and read the page right) receive two of my other courses as well. Get Started and click the button now!

START SELLING NOW • The Seven Deadly Sins of Selling

Your Instructor and Multi Award Winning Salesperson “The Sales Whisperer” Wes Schaeffer

  • 1


    • Lesson 1: Close Less Sell More

    • Lesson 1 - Quiz:

  • 2

    4 Keys To The Profession Of Sales

    • Lesson 2: Key 1 & 2

    • Lesson 2 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 3: KEY 3 & 4

    • Lesson 3 - Quiz:

  • 3


    • Lesson 4: Creating A Bigger Vision

    • Lesson 4 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 5: Faith, Fitness, Family, Friends, & Finance

    • Lesson 5 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 6: Pay Yourself First

    • Lesson 6 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 7: The Power Of Fifteen Minutes

    • Lesson 7 - Quiz:

  • 4

    The Benefits Of Having A System

    • Lesson 8: If It Can Be Measured It Can Be Improved

    • Lesson 9: Process Before Login “Isolating The Systems That Will Grow Your Company”

    • Lesson 9 - Quiz:

  • 5

    The A.B.C.D.E. Process To Profits

    • Lesson 10: Attract

    • Lesson 10 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 11: Bond

    • Lesson 11 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 12: Convert

    • Lesson 12 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 13: Deliver

    • Lesson 13 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 14: Endear

    • Lesson 14 - Quiz:

  • 6

    Developing Personas

    • Lesson 15: How To Connect With Anyone

    • Lesson 15 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 16: Meet Them Where They Are, Selling By Personality Types & Create Your Personas

    • Lesson 16 - Quiz:

  • 7

    Time Management

    • Lesson 17: Chunk Time To Make Chunks Of Cash

    • Lesson 17 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 18: The BETR™ Prospecting Flow Chart

  • 8

    The 7 Secrets To Sales Success

    • Lesson 19: Secret 1 & 2 Take Dead Aim, Understand The Value You Offer.

    • Lesson 19 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 20: Secret 3 & 4 Structure Vs Content, Act Like The Equal You Are

    • Lesson 20 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 21: Secret 5 & 6 Assume Nothing, Get Comfortable With Money

    • Lesson 21 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 22: Secret 7 The Midway Point “Thinking Beyond The Sale”

    • Lesson 22 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 23: How To Get All The Referrals You Can Handle

    • Lesson 23 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 24: How To Get An Embarrassing Number Of Testimonials

    • Lesson 24 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 25: Know Your Numbers & Recap The Course

    • Lesson 25 - Quiz:

  • 9

    The B.E.T.R Course

    • Lesson 26: Prospecting Flow Chart - Opening

    • Lesson 26 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 27: Prospecting Flow Chart - Opening 2

    • Lesson 27 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 28: Prospecting Flow Chart - Opening 3

    • Lesson 28 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 29: Prospecting Flow Chart - Continuation 4A

    • Lesson 29 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 30: Prospecting Flow Chart - The Invitation And Locking Down The Appointment

    • Lesson 30 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 31: Prospecting Flow Chart - The Agenda

    • Lesson 31 - Quiz:

    • Lesson 32: Prospecting Flow Chart - Conclusion

    • Lesson 32 - Quiz: