Do you love cooking?

SO DO I! Are you looking for new Recipes that have already been “family, game day and holiday tested”? I love sharing these recipes. I encourage you to try them, enjoy them, make them your own and share them as well! Good Cooking!

I am a Chef Cari, a working mom and wife just like you. I have been cooking and creating food recipes for decades. When my family, guests and friends started demanding my recipes I knew I had to share them. I know that everyone wants to cook delicious meals for their family. Cooking is my passion, and I want to share my knowledge with you so that you can enjoy cooking as much as I do! In this class we will be making some of the most popular comfort foods from around the world. You’ll learn how to make them quickly and easily in your own kitchen. We’ll also talk about what ingredients are best for different dishes, which spices go well together, and why certain techniques work better than others. By the end of this class, you will have learned how to prepare these amazing recipes on your own so that every mealtime is a happy one! And if there are any leftovers (which there probably won't be), then they'll taste even better tomorrow! So join me today for an experience like no other - let's get started!


With Social Media Influencer Chef Cari

  • 1

    1 GAME DAY: No Need to Order Junk Food This is Better

    • 1.1 Devil is in the Details Deviled Eggs

    • 1.2 Truly Epic Wings

    • 1.3 Halftime Mac and Cheese make extra this is Yummy

  • 2

    2 Pita Bread loses Against the Naan!

    • Naan Bread: Part 1

    • Naan Bread: Part 2

    • Naan Bread: Part 3

    • Naan Bread: Part 4

  • 3

    3 Hummus a Humdinger Yummy Healthy Snack

    • 3.1 Grandma's Homemade that everyone wants the recipe for!

    • 3.2 My Mamma Mia Meatballs are Better than Yours

    • 3.3 Pasta from scratch, Secrets, Tricks and Fun

  • 4

    Fluffy Coconut Rice and Other GOodies Your Friends Will Love

    • 4.1 PoTacos, They're Kind of A Big Deal

    • 4.2 Quinoa like they never had it!

    • 4.3 Sweet Potato Enchilada Casserole, put some more on my plate please!

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Chef Cari is always updating her courses and we love including cool things.

  • Download the Recipes

    Each recipe is available for download so you can print, save and enhance.

  • Pictures of the Cooked Meals

    In Each Recipe, Chef Cari has included pictures of each of the finished meals so you do not have to refer to the video.

  • Video Updates

    Chef Cari frequently adds more recipes to each of her courses so each course GROWS and so will your cook book.